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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I'm really sorry, for not being able to post lately! Been busy with loads of stuff.. I just watched Bourne Ultimum! It was really really good! :P Dave must envy me though, since he wanted to watch it too. I went with my bro and my parents..
At first i refused ta sit next to him since he has a habit of throwing popcorn at me but my parents refused to sit next to him, so... i reluctantly sat there... And i was like,"See? Mummy and daddy don't want to sit nxt to you cos you're so annoyingggggggggg!" And... He threw popcorn at me =_=''
Ah yes, and i refer to the statement P=V. At first, i thought it was a math equation until my friend told me it meant Pregnancy=Violence. I don't really think that sounds right. Okay, so my mom probably was tempremental when she had me. That's according to my brother, but.. he was one year old that time.. Hold on, let me calculate... Uh huh. He's 16. I'm 15.. Y U P one year old. And he acts like he's the boss of the house (our room) AAAAAAAREGHHHRHRARK@%&%&

Okay, i got 2 go now, toodles :)

7:48 PM